To switch between volume and wah using the toe switch on your expression pedal, please check through the following steps:

1. Insert both a volume and wah block into your rig

2. Click on the 3 dots in the top-right corner, then select Hardware Assign (if you're using the Core or Prime, tap the 

footswitch icon on the main screen)

3. Ensure that the Mode is set to Classic instead of Advanced 

4. In the bottom-right corner, select A, then tap on the plus icon and select Expression > Volume

5. Go back and select B, then tap on the plus icon and select Expression > Wah

Please note: The wah pedal will be displayed as 'Pedal' in the rectangular assign blocks, while the volume pedal will be displayed as 'Volume'.

6. Tap the Save button before going back to the main rig screen

You can now use the toe switch on your expression pedal to switch between wah and volume pedals. When volume is selected, wah is deactivated, and vice versa.

To change which pedal is chosen by default when you load your scene, simply use the toe switch to select the desired pedal and hit save. The next time you switch to this scene, it will automatically choose the pedal you selected and saved.