Your Headrush FX processor provides endless creative options, with the combination of effects that can be applied to a signal. The order in which you place these can impact the sound too. Below is a common signal path, should you wish to use this as a starting point for creating your tones:

Dynamics (e.g compressors, filters, volume pedals) are generally placed at the beginning of the signal chain. Alternatively, you can place volume pedals at the end of the signal chain to provide a slight variance in functionality. 

Gain-based effects (e.g. overdrive/distortion, fuzz) usually come next.

Equalization (EQ) is often used to shape the tonal characteristics of overdrive/distortion and fuzz effects, so put an EQ after them. Alternatively, place it before them to shape the guitar’s general tone—cutting unwanted frequencies—before the gain pedals. 

Modulation effects (e.g flangers, phasers, and chorus) are typically placed next. 

Time-based effects (e.g delays, reverbs) are generally placed in between the amp and cab blocks (to simulate an amp’s built in FX loop), or near the end of the signal chain. 

Amp models, cab models, IRs, and amp clones are often placed near end of the signal chain.

This is, however, a starting point. There are many ways in which you can experiment, and simply changing the order of your effect blocks is a great way to find something new and unique.